Around 86% of employees believe poor communication is the reason behind a business’s failure, which shows the importance of working well as a team.

Improving your business’ communication is essential for boosting productivity and engaging your team. But with so many distractions, bringing everyone together is difficult. Perhaps that’s why you’re here; you want to improve your company’s communication skills.

Sounds familiar? No worries; we’ve got your back. Here are five ways to improve your company’s business communication.


1. Have an Open Door Policy

Every leader running a business communication center should have an open door policy.

A major problem is if your employees don’t feel comfortable discussing their issues. But when you encourage your team to drop in, employees will feel valued and be inspired to share feedback. Also, leaders should always address employees by their first name, as it shows respect.

Or, if you don’t have one, keep a box outside of your office for employees to share their opinions. Encourage everyone to use it and remind employees that they can share anonymously if they’re more comfortable with that.

2. Consider Your Office Space

You can also boost business communication skills by optimizing the office layout. If you haven’t already, ditch cubicles, as it makes each individual feel secluded and less part of the team. Because of this, open floor plans have soared in popularity.

But if you’re on the fence about making a huge change, send out a survey to ask employees what they think because you want everyone behind you.

3. Be Transparent

Communication in business is only successful when each individual is transparent. Never avoid difficult conversations because if the problem develops, you’ll be considered untrustworthy. Instead, be respectful and honest, especially if it affects your employees.

4. Practice Active Listening

Another essential business communication solution is active listening. But many people don’t do this, which increases the risk of miscommunication. Note, that active listening is when you fully focus on what’s being said.

Whenever speaking to a team member, rephrase what they said as it shows you’ve listened. You should also relay this through facial expressions and gestures.

Further, leaders should identify and reach out to quieter employees. Note, that everyone should feel comfortable enough to communicate well. If you’re struggling, show genuine interest and they will open up.

5. Use the Right Software

Communication in business isn’t only in-person, thanks to our reliance on technology. Use new tools like Slack or Asana where employees can communicate online. If you want to find the perfect software, click the link to continue reading.

But employees must be professional on these platforms. Make sure everyone is being respectful and only discussing the task at hand.

Improve Your Business Communication Today

Hopefully, you know how to improve your team’s business communication.
You should have an open-door policy and use the right software to keep everyone connected. Also, optimize your office layout and always be transparent, especially when it’s difficult. Good luck!

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