Improve your position in the organic search results? They are the free results in Google, which you do not have to pay for when a visitor clicks on them. This makes it cheaper per click than Google Ads, but how do you ensure that you appear high in the search results? With the right approach you work step by step on better fundability. Nowadays, many people are using some SEO tools to improve their  website’s rankings, like Automated Link Building. However, you should first learn how to organically boost the ranking.


What is true about organic search results?

Only the search engine itself knows the exact way in which Google ranks organic search results. In fact, this determines the algorithm and no one at the company is fully aware of it. Fortunately, trial-and-error and more advanced studies by SEO specialists provide insights into what works and what doesn’t. And what is and is not true about these search results.

The organic results are free, you don’t have to pay when visitors click on your website. To get high in Google and stay there, it is important to invest in SEO. No agency can guarantee you to get on the first page (let alone the first position), so don’t let that fool you. Keep in mind that a structured, long-term approach often produces the best results.

Some Ways to Enhance ranking On Google

With a number of useful tips you can effectively work on better organic search results:

Determine main and sub topics

Good search engine optimization starts with identifying important main and sub-topics. It is important to determine around which topics the findability should improve. These can be valuable product categories in a webshop, as well as important services for websites.

Divide the whole over main and sub-topics, for example on the basis of a mind map. For example, find subcategories for a product category, as well as specific additional services or extras for the main service. In this way it becomes clear what it is about, so that you can determine which topics you want to get higher in Google.

Find search terms for the topics

A search engine marketing specialist can then convert those main and sub-topics into search terms. These are the terms that (potential) customers actually search for. Sometimes those terms differ from the established topics, because the target group is looking for something slightly different than the way you speak about it yourself.

The result of these conversions is keyword research. This shows which search terms are important, how many people search for them every month and how many other companies are working on them (competition or difficulty score). In order to score better in the organic search results, it is important to pay attention to those search terms, for example with content and by means of link building.

Also read: What is Search Engine Optimization and How it Works

Distinguish short-tail and long-tail search terms

Within the search terms it is important to distinguish between two types:

Short-tail search terms

Search terms with a lot of search volume, but also a high competition or difficulty score. Terms with which it will prove difficult to make a difference quickly, but which yield the most in the long term.

Long-tail search terms

Search terms with less search volume, just like a low competition or difficulty score. Terms that make it easier to make a difference quickly, for example, to test and evaluate the chosen strategy in practice.

A good mix of short-tail and long-tail search terms offers the best approach to improve findability in the organic search results. For example, by supporting the findability for difficult terms with a lot of potential from the less difficult terms.

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