

GATE, or Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, is one of the most difficult tests. It is the gateway to PSU (Public Sector Undertaking) positions, postgraduate degree/doctoral degree programs at premier engineering institutes, and CSIR scholarships. The GATE test is jointly administered by the Indian Institute of Science (ISC), Bengaluru, and the seven Indian Institutes of Technology (ITS). It is a nationwide examination.

The number of candidates for the GATE exam is relatively large, with a mix of newcomers, third-year students, final-year students, and previous-year graduates. As a result, the candidates’ anxiousness has begun to rise. Mock tests practice exams help familiarise students with the actual GATE exam pattern.

 The GATE test, being one of the most prominent exams, has several advantages. One significant advantage is that if students perform well, they are more likely to pick their institution based on their performance.

Here are some tips for making your mock exam a success:

Learn About Your Strengths And Try To Improve Your Weaknesses

When a student has completed their self-analysis, they will better understand the areas in which they need to improve and the areas in which they excel. To eliminate shortcomings, students should practice consistently, which will enhance the positive areas and lead to ‘excellence’.

You can visit BYJU’S Exam Prep for GATE preparation. It provides you with innumerable test series, question papers, online courses, study notes and more!


Comparison boosts student morale and enhances performance.

A student competes with themself; if you can cross your score, you are on the correct preparation course. As a result, keep track of your performance and compare it to the prior mock exam you took. Make every attempt to improve yourself.

Set a goal higher for the next time than what you have achieved earlier. Try to secure more marks in less time while giving the second attempt. In short, compete with yourself and improve every time.

Evaluate Your Current Standard Of Preparation

Students who take practice exams obtain a critical grasp of the GATE exam material, the questions presented, and the marking scheme. Evaluation is not limited to a specific score; instead, a student should understand where they went wrong, where they spent more time than required, which questions they should have begun, and so on.

Revisions are an essential component of any preparation process. It improves pupil efficiency by ensuring clarity in topics that have been already delivered. Appearing for a mock test informs pupils about how well they have studied for the GATE test.


A strategy that works for someone else might not work for you. As a result, work and revise your plan until you find the perfect method for you. When assessing the mock exam solutions, start with section-wise analysis, transition to a question-wise analysis, and lastly assess.


Examine your section-by-section score and accuracy to determine how much time you spent on each section and how much time you should spend on each in your next mock exam.

When taking a practice exam, begin with the most comfortable portions. Starting with the most relaxing piece may increase your confidence and help you perform well in the exam.

Explore the details of GATE preparation through BYJU’S Exam Prep.

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