Did you know that an estimated 13 percent of households in the United States of America will use solar power by the year 2030? There are a number of factors that determine the best type of solar panels, like the climate that you live in and the slope of your home’s roof. Solar panels are the most important component to consider when you start looking at getting solar installation.

The real issue arises when it comes to choosing the right solar panels for your solar power needs. The good news is that you’re in the perfect place to learn all about what makes the best type of solar panels.

Keep reading this article to learn more today!


Panel Types

There are two main types of solar panels that are on the market today. The first is called a monocrystalline solar panel. This type of solar panel has a much darker tint or color to it compared to polycrystalline solar panels.

Monocrystalline solar panels are often the most efficient option on the market if you decide that you want to get solar power and all of the savings available with it. Since monocrystalline panels are more efficient they do a better job of collecting energy which means you need fewer of them. The main drawback of this option for solar panels is the cost.

Polycrystalline solar panels are your other option if you’re moving forward with getting solar energy for your home. Polycrystalline panels have a blue tint to them and they’re often less efficient than their monocrystalline counterparts. You’ll need more solar panels if you decide to go with this option.

If you’re looking at getting solar energy on a budget then your best bet is to go with polycrystalline solar panels.

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You also need to take a look at the warranty options when it comes to the different solar companies that you might work with. Most solar companies offer 25 or 30-year warranties on their solar panels and other equipment. The best types of solar panels will continue working for years after the warranty is up.

Build Quality

It is also a wise move to read online reviews about your different solar panel options. The obvious goal is to get the best value possible for your solar panels at the lowest possible price. Check out different statistics for the solar panels you’re considering like how efficient they are and the amount of solar power tolerance they have.

Taking these steps is important for a large investment like solar energy for your household to enjoy.

Find the Best Type of Solar Panels for Your Home

Getting the best type of solar panels will require some work on your part, but the most important thing to do is conduct research. Learning about the different types of solar panels will make it easier to decide if you’re willing to spend more money for better efficiency. You should also read online reviews and make sure that the solar panels have a strong warranty.

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