A person who invested $10,000 in Amazon stock during its IPO launch would be worth about $10 million in 2021 – assuming they held on to the investment all the way.

If there’s something you can learn from this, it’s this: investing is an ideal way to grow your money and get rich. If you’re looking to invest your money this year, you’ve probably realized and embraced this fact.

However, making an investment doesn’t guarantee success. There’s risk involved and you could lose all your money.

To help you start on a profitable path, here are smart ways to invest money.


The Stock Market

Unless you live under a rock or have no interest in investing, you’ve probably heard of the wild ride of GameStop; a publicly-traded company whose shares soared over 2,000 percent. That’s the stock market for you!

The stock market has always been a prime investment destination for American investors. In 2021, it’s no different.

While GameStop and other similar stories can make you believe that there’s quick wealth to be reaped from the stock market, the truth is those are isolated cases. The stock market is a patient man’s game. It takes several years for a publicly-traded company’s share price to make big movements.

Although investing apps like Robinhood make it easy for anyone to start investing, it’s best to seek the advice of an investment professional. They’ll advise you on the best stocks to buy in 2021.

Also read: How to finalize the best term insurance plan?


Whether you die by Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or any other coin out there, there’s no doubt that the cryptocurrency market is getting hotter.

We now have people who have made billions from investing in cryptocurrency. There’s no reason you can’t find success investing in cryptocurrency as well.

Investing in crypto comes with a big risk warning, though. This is a highly volatile market. There are wild price fluctuations every day.

And you know what extreme volatility means? Big profits or big losses.

Like investing in stocks, it’s super important to learn how to invest in or trade cryptocurrencies. There’s still a lot of uncertainty about cryptos, but it’s not hard to conclude that they’re the future of money.

In fact, Bitcoin ATMs are now a thing! Here’s more information about this.

Build Cash Reserves

Building cash reserves might not sound like a smart way to invest money, but it is. It may not even sound like a way to invest at all.

Here’s the thing, cash is an asset. It gives you liquidity, which means you’ll be ready to pounce on other investment opportunities when they arise. Plus, you can put your cash in interest-earning accounts.

More Smart Ways to Invest Money

When you’re investing, you shouldn’t just make an investment. You need to make a smart investment. This is how your money will grow. This is how you get wealthy.

These are some of the smart ways to invest money in 2021, but there are more ways. Just keep reading our blog and you’ll find them.

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