Software engineering is a discipline formed by a set of methods, tools, and techniques that are used in the development of computer programs, better known as software.

For us, this service transcends programming, which is the basis for creating an application. Software engineering encompasses all project management. From the previous analysis of the situation, the design approach to its implementation, going through the recurring tests for its correct operation. We could say that software engineering is the continent where the content is housed, which would be the software itself, sums up David Souto, general director of Systems Group. Automation testing services are also used by software technicians to test their apps and programs.



Within software engineering, we understand that there is also the entire software development process, which is called the life cycle. It is made up of four stages:

Conception: In this first phase the business model is developed. That is, we know the needs that software must have and we start looking for the tools to cover them.

Elaboration: The characteristics of the software structure are detailed.

Building: As its name indicates, in this step we begin to tangibly elaborate everything that, for now, we have only captured in the form of ideas.

Transition: It is the time of implementation and development for customers or users. They should take time to get acquainted with the new software.

Once this entire cycle is done, we enter another phase known as maintenance. It is one of the most important stages since problems or errors that may arise during its implementation and also its subsequent start-up are solved. In addition, updates are incorporated taking into account the requirements of the client with the objective that they can fulfill the largest number of tasks.

Keep in mind that there are two types of software. On the one hand, we highlight the standard, more general and that can be adapted to various business models. While on the other hand, we have the custom. It is a type of software that is developed for the exclusive use of a client . It is designed in your image and likeness, so it is logical that it only works for that company, since it adapts to the needs and characteristics of the company that has requested to design it. Despite these key differences, all software has three elements that characterize it:

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Software engineering covers a very broad framework. This must be understood as the possibility of framing several objectives to take into account when we want to implement or opt for a software engineering service:

Design of computer programs adapted to the needs and demands of customers.

  • Fix scheduling problems.
  • Be present in all phases of the life cycle of a product.
  • Accounting for the costs of a project and evaluating development times.
  • Track the budget and meet deadlines.
  • Lead software development work teams.
  • Structuring the development of evidence that verifies the perfect functioning of the programs and that they adapt to the analysis and design requirements.
  • Design, build and manage databases.
  • Lead and guide programmers during application development.
  • Include quality processes in the systems, calculating metrics and indicators and checking the quality of the software produced.
  • Structure and inspect the work of the team, be it the group of maintenance technicians or the group of systems and network engineers.

Objectives of software engineering

Not always a software engineering should focus on all these objectives. That is, they are directed towards achieving some of them but not necessarily all, since the companies that hire this service do not require the same type of project.

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